Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

22 Set. 2022  
— 19:45 
— Choque

Ovilton Fernandes Santiago, aka Real Guns, nasceu em São Tomé em 1988. Mudou-se para Portugal aos 4 anos para tratar um problema do coração e vive neste país desde então. O sonho da música nasceu consigo mas desenvolveu-se no Cacém, onde passou a juventude. Aos 24 anos emigrou para Inglaterra, onde trabalhou como cozinheiro. Regressou a Portugal em 2019 para criar família e focar-se na música que vai agora apresentar no Festival Iminente.