Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

24 Set. 2022  
— 00:00 
— Choque
Niño de Elche

Autor de álbuns como “Sí, a Miguel Hernández” (2013), “Voces del Extremo” (2015) e “Colombiana” (2019), Niño de Elche lançou o seu último disco em Abril, intitulado “Cante de Mis Bodas de Plata con el Flamenco”. A sua actual proposta de palco intitula-se “La Exclusión”, apesar de estar comprometida com a inclusividade artística construída sobre o seu percurso no flamenco. “La Exclusión” procura um caminho que atravessa os limites da modernidade a partir de uma posição ética de admissão do diferente, do desconhecido, do outro. Uma reflexão e denúncia da Europa decadente do momento, onde as pessoas estão a tornar-se clientes em vez de cidadãos.