Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

25 Set. 2022  
— 18:15 
— Fábrica

Marianne 3.0 cresceu com a música à sua volta. Aprendeu piano com 6 anos e nunca mais o largou. 

Em Lisboa começou a realizar trabalhos enquanto modelo e stylist, passando também pela direção de arte, procurando expressar a sua visão do mundo. No início de 2020 começou a produzir a sua música e usou essas produções para colaborar com outros artistas, cultivando um hábito de criar encontros com diferentes instrumentistas em jam sessions, unindo diversos backgrounds musicais e vivências distintas. A performance visual está sempre presente nos concertos de Marianne para imergir o público na música.

O projeto em que trabalha atualmente dá continuidade à sua exploração do tema da solidão.