Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

25 Set. 2022  
— 21:30 
— Cine-Estúdio
Dueto by Diana Niepce (Dança)

Diana Niepce é bailarina, coreógrafa e escritora. Criou a peça de circo contemporâneo “Forgotten Fog” (2015) e as peças de dança “Raw a nude” (2019), “12 979 Dias” (2019), “Dueto” (2020), “T4” (2020) e “Anda, Diana” (2021). Enquanto bailarina e performer colaborou com artistas nacionais e internacionais, incluindo Mariana Tengner Barros, Rafael Alvarez e a companhia polaca Teatr21. Recentemente publicou o artigo “Experimentar o corpo” (jornal Coreia), o livro “Anda, Diana” (ed. Sistema Solar) e a história “Partidos e fedidos, são os calhaus.” (Rota Memorial do Convento).