Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of urban culture!


Superlinox é um artista anónimo que começou por insurgir-se na cidade de Setúbal e, recentemente, em Lisboa. Apesar de não sabermos a sua identidade, o artista vai-se revelando através das suas esculturas. A singularidade do seu trabalho assenta na instalação de esculturas monocromáticas no espaço público, aliadas a uma forte componente de apropriação e transformação de objectos e espaços comuns. Superlinox é um artista disruptivo nas suas variadas vertentes: técnica, instalação, linguagem e discurso.

Ficha Técnica

Luz e tinta em spray sobre materiais diversos
60 x 60 x 45m (aprox.)

A ideia parece simples: um Anjo pousou no topo de um gasómetro. A aparição de uma figura celestial transforma-se num monumento, híbrido e efémero. A luz converte o edifício num objecto. Os nossos olhos dizem-nos que o gasómetro é maior que o Anjo, mas o nosso espírito não. Por que razão decidiria um Anjo aparecer agora? Para nos ver ou para ser visto?